Det är det här som händer i IS eller ISIS kölvatten.
En massgrav med 500 kroppar funnen i västra delen av Mosul.
Alla var skjutna till döds och samtliga kroppar var stympade.
Ytterligare en grav funnen med 35, mestadels kvinno- och barn-kroppar,som tagits from Yazidis, Kurdistani norra Irak.
Alla var skjutna till döds.
En massgrav med 500 kroppar funnen i västra delen av Mosul.
Alla var skjutna till döds och samtliga kroppar var stympade.
Ytterligare en grav funnen med 35, mestadels kvinno- och barn-kroppar,som tagits from Yazidis, Kurdistani norra Irak.
Alla var skjutna till döds.
Ghazwan al-Lahbi, a Sunni tribal Sheikh, has claimed his tribe has found
a mass grave. There are approximately 500 bodies which appear to
victims of executions by Islamic State radicals.
’Those 500 people were prisoners from Badush Jail, in the western part of Mosul. They were transferred by IS insurgents to Humaidiyat, where they were shot dead,’ said Ghazwan on Wednesday.
He said that the mass grave was dug by IS militants after they attacked and took control of Mosul on June 10.
’The mass grave was found by local residents and all the bodies were mutilated,’ added Ghazwan.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday a Kurdish official has told BasNews that Peshmerga forces has found Yazidi mass grave near Zumar.
Sa’ed Mamuzini the spokesman of KDP Mosul branch said that in Bardeya village close to Zumar, Peshmerga has found a mass grave containing 35 bodies with most of them women and children and all of the Kurdish Yazidis.
“The bodies had bullet holes on them and all of them were Yazidis,” added Mamuzini.
Since Kurdish Peshmerga forces have retaken some of the areas that were captured by IS Militants there have been a number of mass graves that have been discovered in those areas. "
’Those 500 people were prisoners from Badush Jail, in the western part of Mosul. They were transferred by IS insurgents to Humaidiyat, where they were shot dead,’ said Ghazwan on Wednesday.
He said that the mass grave was dug by IS militants after they attacked and took control of Mosul on June 10.
’The mass grave was found by local residents and all the bodies were mutilated,’ added Ghazwan.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday a Kurdish official has told BasNews that Peshmerga forces has found Yazidi mass grave near Zumar.
Sa’ed Mamuzini the spokesman of KDP Mosul branch said that in Bardeya village close to Zumar, Peshmerga has found a mass grave containing 35 bodies with most of them women and children and all of the Kurdish Yazidis.
“The bodies had bullet holes on them and all of them were Yazidis,” added Mamuzini.
Since Kurdish Peshmerga forces have retaken some of the areas that were captured by IS Militants there have been a number of mass graves that have been discovered in those areas. "
Artikeln var svår att hitta och hade tydligen tagits bort från sidan i tidningen men jag fann den till slut.
Om det är till de här grupperna av extremislamister som de svenska unga har anslutit sig till för att hjälpa, så har vi stora problem att slåss för när de återvänder till Sverige.
Canada har också haft flera undomar som rest till Irak eller Syrien men har nekat dom att återvända till Canada.
Av förståeliga skäl, tycker jag.
Nästa steg kan i värsta fall, i förlängningen bli att dessa ungdommar även vill att Sverige skall "platsa" in i samma mallar och kommer då säkerligen att få hjälp av IS eller ISIS, som de också kallas, om de skulle vilja.
Inget som jag eller andra heller, ser fram emot men som vi inte vet om dessa unga återvändande önskar få till stånd här med.
Vi får se hur det går.
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