... dam på 69 år känner inför dessa muslimer som invaderar i mängder, illegalt till Australien och kräver allt de kan få.
"I am a 69-year-old grandma, 5 foot 1 inch tall.
One day, I was in a
Big W store and the loudspeaker said rails of cloths at chuck out price,
so I walked over. A six-foot man pushed me into the racks as I went to
get something, I just managed to save myself as a lady caught me from
I said, "Excuse me,
what do you think your are doing?" He replied, "I want clothes." I said,
"So do I. Where are you from?" He said, "Afghanistan".
I said, "Well, in
this country, people do NOT push little old ladies about." He bent down
and said to me, "when we take over and we will. I will remember your
face. I will have you buried up to your neck and stoned to death. Now
get out my way." And he just started grabbing everything, people just
got out his way, he was like a man possessed.
On another day,
walking in our town centre going up to the cathedral, I came across some
Middle Eastern men formed a chain across the pavement. I had to
walk into the oncoming traffic, and as I did, they spat at my feet.
On another occasion,
going to a government office, I had to walk through this chopping
centre plaza, a district that has been taken over
by Muslims and Africans. As I was walking, they started jutting their
chins up at me and yelling in their language. The security man walked me
back to the shops on the other side. As I got in my car I notices a
black man about nearly 7-feet tall, a giant, his eyes were bulging. He
had a big leather belt and was slapping it in his palm. I locked my
doors and stared the engine. He was coming for me. I just went. Had I
knocked him over, I would have kept going.
At my library, there
were tons of blacks people. Some Muslims came to the hall next door, I
was sitting, ordering a book from the library girl. A young black kid
came in and punched the back of my chair so hard that it nearly knocked
my chair over. He laughed and walked away.
The girl said, "Hey you!" I said, "NO, don't. If you do, he will wait for me when I get out."
My life in my beloved country is over, they have won, Australia as we knew no longer exists! How I weep, my paradise gone. "
Tror någon här, på fullaste allvar att den här gamla kvinnan på något enda vis är rasist när hon uttrycker det hon känner inför dessa inandrare som klampar fram och knuffar undan henne från det hon slitit hårt för att uppnå på sin ålders höst ???
Jag bara undrar ????
Inte heller jag är rasist eftersom att islam faktiskt inte år en ras, utan som de påstår, en "religion". Medan de påstår att vi är rasister, så är verkligen islam och dess anhängare, om något de som är rasistiska och som uppmanar sina anhängare att inte ha fördrag med någon annan "religion" än deras egen !!
Kristna är "infidels" som betyder, ogudaktiga och det finns många andra ord på oss än det här i deras vokabulär, som bland annat "kuffar" eller apor och grisar (fast jag tror att det är apor som de kallar judarna för, ytterst trevligt att få veta).
Ni kan läsa mer om hur de har det i andra länder om ni går till den här, bloggen och läser.